"Pee doesn't make the toilet overflow!""

Honestly, the details don't really matter here. The toilet overflowed. I don't think it was just pee that caused it. I asked Jay how many times he thought the toilet would overflow before our boys were all out of the house and he said, "50? No, wait, that's only once per boy per year. Not including me. So, 100+." Yuck.

AuthorBest Mom
"No fists, just pillows!"

This was yelled by Jay at our older two sons who seem to have no idea what a pillow fight is. It started out innocently enough and ended when one of them bit the ear of the other. The upside was that I got to show them both a clip of "bite fight" and the new Foot Locker commercial. Also, one of Evander Holyfield's kids goes to my kids' school so we see him from time to time at school parties and events so now they are excited about looking for his missing ear.

AuthorBest Mom