"Get your hands out of your meat."

Sally to our 4-year-old at lunch.  There are no euphemisms in that statement.  He actually had his fingers stabbed down into a pile of pulled pork at a BBQ restaurant.  I don't know why.  Maybe he was making fox holes for his fried okra army.

AuthorBest Mom
"Mommy, will you sing me the song about Jesus loves me and a dinosaur and a volcano?"

Harry (3 years old) to Sally during bed time.  I started with "Jesus Loves Me" but he complained that there wasn't a dinosaur or a volcano. I did my best.  The first line, sung to the tune of "Jesus Loves Me," was "there used to be dinosaurs but they died, volcanoes erupted on their hides." It went downhill from there.

AuthorBest Mom